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Older Persons Helpline


To support and safeguard seniors during the COVID-19 outbreak, persons can now call the newly-established Older Persons Helpline at 1-800-534-2222.

The toll-free line, staffed by Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) social workers, is open Monday to Friday, 9 am to 5 pm.

The aim of the helpline is to:

- to report concerns

- obtain support

- link callers to resources and volunteers

- provide advice from the CIG on COVID-19, and

- encourage contact with older persons.

“We are delighted to be offering this dedicated service to support the elderly in our community,” said DCFS Acting Director Nicole Quinland.

“The Older Persons Helpline will form a key part of our recently revised outreach service provision. If you or your agency are offering specific services to older persons and wish to advise the public, please contact the helpline so that we may add you to our list of resources,” she adds.

In the event of an emergency call 911. For COVID-19 health advice, call the Health Services Authority‘s 24-hour ‘Flu Hotline at 1-800-534-8600 or your GP. For psychological support, call the Mental Health Helpline at 1-800-534-6463 (MIND) (Monday to Friday, 9 am to 5 pm) and for COVID-19-related non-medical advice, call the NEOC Hotline at 1-800-534-6555 (Monday to Friday, 9 am to 5 pm).

For further information contact: Elphina Jones

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