Adoption, Foster Care & After Care
We support children, young adults and families – including the supervision of foster care, residential placements and aftercare support for young adults who are transitioning from foster care.
The team also performs administrative functions and prepares reports for the adoption process.
Clientele: Children and Families
Foster Care
Fostering provides a wholesome home environment for children from birth to 18 years. This provides children with warmth, love, structure and safety -- thereby promoting their growth and personal development.
Social workers have a duty of care to ensure that foster placements not merely meet the child’s needs, but ensure that they are thriving. We create a plan of action to incorporate the child’s wishes and feelings, in combination with appropriate interventions that are assessed to be in the child’s best interest.
The team assesses foster parent applications and manages an ongoing Foster Care Recruitment Drive to attract new foster parents. We conduct public education sessions with churches, social clubs and public and private sector organizations.
Foster care options in the Cayman Islands include group residential homes operated by Children & Youth Services Foundation (CAYS), Nadine Andreas Residential Foster Home (NCVO) and private family homes (foster parents).
Fostering can have a lifelong positive effect, not only for the child but also for the foster parent(s) and their family. Foster parents can experience challenges similar to natural families, but also benefit from the immense joy of parenting and enabling their foster child to overcome challenges and excel.
DCFS relies on the availability of caring homes and families where it can place vulnerable children who are being abused or neglected. We depend on partnerships with community members who are willing to be caregivers for children in these circumstances.
Foster placements can range from emergency, short, medium or long-term arrangements.
If you are interested in becoming a foster parent please contact us
Email: DCFSFostercare@gov.ky
Call: (345) 949-0290
After Care
Aftercare is a program for young adults who have transitioned from foster care to independent living. The team provides guidance and financial and emotional support to these young adults. This program provides support to empower young adults to achieve their full potential. Financial assistance is provided to those who are engaged in further education or employment.
Adoption is a legal process that enables a family to permanently become responsible for raising a child whose birth family is unable to do so. Adoption provides a child with a permanent, loving and legally secure home, with parents who are committed to his or her welfare. The Adoption of Children Act sets out the procedures for the adoption of children in the Cayman Islands.
The team provides administrative support to the Adoption Board and prepares home study and supervision reports to assess prospective adopters/adoptees as required through the adoption process. Reports are also provided at the request of international agencies to support their processes.
For more information on the adoption process
Email: DCFSadoption@gov.ky
Call: (345) 949-0290

Activities & Programmes
You could be a Foster Parent
Foster carers provide a safe haven for children – and it can be a short-term or long-term arrangement. Foster care is a last resort for us. This means that if children must be removed from their homes, we always try to place them with other members of their family, or friends, first. However, if we can’t find placements with family or friends, that is when we turn to our foster parents.
Requirements are persons without a criminal record, between the ages of 25 and 65, but there can be exceptions. Your race, religion, cultural background or marital status are not deciding factors. Foster parents should be in good health; even persons with disabilities can foster as long as your disability does not affect your ability to parent. Applicants must be residents of the Cayman Islands.
Children & Youth Resources
MASH Referal Form