Community Development
Community Development is an approach by which people come together to take collective action on issues that are important to them, with the goal of building and maintaining active, strong, sustainable communities. Our Community Development Officers create a vital link on the ground with an intricate understanding of individual and community needs.
Clientele: Members of communities across the Cayman Islands
Community Development is a process where community members come together to take collective action and generate solutions to common problems with the goal of building and maintaining active, strong and sustainable communities.
Our Community Development Team (CDT) which includes Community Development Officers and Social Workers creates a vital link on the ground with an intricate understanding of individual and community needs.
The CDT works alongside members of the community to identify the community’s strengths, address concerns, determine solutions and partner with other organizations to effect change.
Activities & Programmes
Community Development Officers are assigned to each geographical district. They engage and encourage people to become more involved in their communities.
Community development activities include:
Empowering community members to contribute to the positive development of their community
Facilitating and guiding the development of community/neighbourhood associations
Conducting community visits and community assessment
Fostering opportunities for communities to advocate on their own behalf
Assisting communities with building capacity
Making referrals to other agencies
Coordinating, developing, and delivering effective programs that meet the needs of the community
Facilitate Public Education on topics of interest.